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What is a crypto trading bot?

A crypto trading bot is just a program that operates online and performs tasks more efficiently than a human possibly could. It’s estimated more than half of traffic on the Internet is comprised of bots that interact with websites and users, run content scans, and do other tasks, like trading crypto on behalf of savvy holders.

What is a crypto robot?

A crypto robot is a software platform that scans the cryptocurrency market for trading opportunities, and then automatically executes a trade on your behalf. These robots can decide when a setup will be profitable, how much to enter in a trade, and when to exit the trade.

Can you use robot trading with cryptocurrencies?

You can use robot trading with any type of cryptocurrency. This is why several traders use robot trading to buy and sell cryptocurrencies such as ETH. You can also trade Litecoin and other cryptocurrencies. However, one of the most popular options for robot trading is BTC. Backtesting is important for all traders.

What is a crypto arbitrage bot?

A crypto arbitrage bot is a computer program that compares coin prices across exchanges in order to make automated trades that take advantage of price discrepancies. For example, a BTC arbitrage bot might identify that Bitcoin is trading for $200 more per token on Kraken than it is on bitFlyer.

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